
Larry Moore Scholarship

The Dream Factory has five $3,000 scholarships now available for the 2025-2026 school year to prior Dream Recipients. The deadline for application is May 15th, 2025.


In May of 2000, the Dream Factory of Kansas City began a College Scholarship Program in honor of Larry Moore. In 2025, five $3,000 College Scholarships will be available for prior dream recipients who are either college-bound or currently enrolled in college.

Any high school senior or college student who has previously received a dream from the Dream Factory and can show evidence of scholastic ability and leadership qualities is eligible to apply for the Larry Moore Scholarship. This scholarship is to be used at any accredited post-high school institution or four-year college of his or her choice.

You may only receive the Larry Moore Scholarship once (previous winners are not eligible to reapply).

The Scholarship Application must be completed in its entirety and include:

  • Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Score or American College Testing Program (ACT) Score.

  • Accumulated GPA of at least 3.0 through seven semesters of high school.

  • Listing of school activities that indicate leadership, responsibility, and character.

  • A 300-word essay on “What the Dream Factory Means to Me.”

  • Any supplemental information that would be helpful to the Committee.


Application deadline: May 15th, 2025

Click here to fill out application

Download Application here: Larry Moore Scholarship Application